Please support us by donating to our chosen charities

Fundraising is complete! Below is a summary of the amounts raised:

Charity Target Amount Raised Percentage achieved
Merlin MS Centre £4,000 £4,889 122%
RNLI £2,000 £2,727 136%
TOTAL £6,000 £7,616 127%

A big thank you to all of you who contributed to our fundraising!

Choosing which charities to support is not always easy, however we settled on two charities, The Merlin MS Centre and The RNLI which, for different reasons, are both close to our hearts. Although our expedition-related fundraising has now ended, if you'd like to donate to these charities, you can still do so by clicking on one of the
JustGiving Donate buttons below.



The Merlin Multiple Sclerosis Centre

When I (Jane) was growing up I do not remember back far enough to the day when this photograph was taken of my father holding me in his arms, standing at our front gate. I must have been about two years old and had three older brothers 2, 4 and 6 years older than me. That was around the time that my dad was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and sadly I do not ever remember him walking.
The diagnosis was a hard hit for a young man who up until that point had enjoyed a life full of physical challenges. Dad was a highly competitive and successful track and road cyclist and a very keen sailor and mountaineer. MS not only meant that he had to give up all these activities, he was also unable to continue his work as an engineer and eventually after suffering with this debilitating disease for over 20 years, he needed a great deal of support with personal care and day-to-day chores with very little control or strength remaining in his muscles. Dad died just seven years ago, so we are doing the expedition in his memory and for other MS sufferers in the SW and their families, all supported by Merlin MS Centre.

Some facts about MS:


When at sea, we know that if we needed it, help could be at hand very quickly; thanks to the RNLI. ‘Prevention is always better than cure’ and we certainly do not plan to put ourselves in a vulnerable position at any point during our expedition. However, all too often, people do find themselves in difficulties at sea and around the British coast, so we would like to show our support of the selfless work of the RNLI in raising funds for them through our journey.The RNLI save hundreds of lives around British waters every year and it is reassuring to know that the Coastguard and RNLI will have half an eye on us as we paddle our way round the coast.

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